Michigan Golf Alliance

"Our goal is to educate the legislative community on the importance of our industry to the State of Michigan."

2023 Economic Impact Report

Michigan Golf Provides $6.1 Billion Impact, Study Reveals

The Michigan golf industry’s total economic impact is $6.1 billion, yes billion, in part because the state is home to 859 courses, including the most public golf courses in the nation, stands as the top winter-interrupted golf tourism destination in the country and provides 61,000 jobs according to a recently completed study by the National Golf Foundation (NGF). Read the full press release.

Michigan Golf 2023 Economic Impact Full Report

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Michigan Golf 2023 Economic Impact Report Executive Summary

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Michigan Golf 2023 Economic Impact Report-Tourism

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Golf's Impact on Michigan

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2024 Legislative Day at the capital

Legislative Day

Rep. Angela Witwer Helps Allied Golf Associations Spread Message of Industry’s Impact in Michigan

The Michigan Golf Alliance rolled out the results of the 2023 Economic Impact Survey during this year’s “Golf on the Capitol Lawn.” This was an incredible opportunity to educate our legislators on the importance Michigan golf has on our economy, environment and the communities that surround them.

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2025 Legislative Day at the capital

Save the Date!

Save the Date!

"Golf on the Capitol Lawn"
May 21, 2025 ∙ State Capitol Lawn

The Michigan Golf Alliance will be holding our annual Legislative Day at the state capitol. This is an incredible opportunity to educate our legislators on the importance Michigan golf has on our economy, environment and the communities that surround them.

Michigan Golf Alliance News